How it work

Some medical treatments, dietary changes or other events can result in an alteration of the gut microbiota balance. For instance, an antibiotic treatment reduces the quality and quantity of the microbiota in a few days to a few weeks. Nonetheless, it would seem that not all organisms respond in the same manner: some microbiota seem more stable and resistant than others when dealing with a perturbing event.
The microbiota test is useful because it provides a detailed analysis of its composition and a verification of its balance. Furthermore, the outcome of this test makes it possible to take specific corrective actions that can restore its proper functioning through:
  • Personalized strategies with supplements that can correct the probiotic balance, in an individualspecific manner
  • Specific dietary advice to adjust nutritional intake
  • Preventive treatments that can minimize the onset of new pathologies
The different ways to modify and correct microbiota composition
  • A diet favoring the development of bacteria beneficial to the digestive system
  • Oral intake of probiotics (living micro-organisms capable of regenerating the bacterial population) and/or prebiotics (food compounds useful for the growth or enhancing the activity of some bacterial populations)

How it work?


1. Buy the test

2. Collect the stool sample

3. Send the stool
sample to the laboratory

4. Analysis of the sample

5. Getting the report

6. Consultation with a health specialist

When the test can be useful?



a healthy profile of the gut microbiota improves our health


intestinal pathologies (intestinal inflammatory diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, diverticulitis) or systemic pathologies (obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, allergies)

Intestinal symptoms

of mild or medium severity like episodic colitis, recurrent diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and intestinal difficulty

Overweight or obesity

to integrate nutritional strategies aimed at weight loss and the ensuing maintenance of the ideal weight

Childhood and aging

keeping a healthy microbiota profile can contribute to the prevention of allergies and limit the effects of immunosenescence and of the inflammatory conditions typical of ageing

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

keeping a healthy microbial profile is important not only for one’s well-being, but also to favor the formation of a well-balanced microbiota in the newborn


maintaining a healthy microbiota profile helps cope, in the best possible manner, with major metabolic and physiological changes

Uro-genital tract disorders

in order to introduce dietary changes that can help overcome infections of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis) or of the genital apparatus (vaginitis, Candida infections) and avoid relapses

When in good health, to design customised dietary regimens such as, for instance, in the case of athletes, for whom the metabolic efficiency of a well-balanced microbiota can be very useful in maintaining good health and enhancing performance


The microbiota test makes it possible to assess the composition and balance of the gut microbiota:
it is not a diagnostic test for a specific pathology, and does not replace a medical diagnosis.


For an optimum interpretation of the test results, or for any dietary or supplemental treatments that may be necessary to correct a dysbiosis, it is recommended to turn to a health care specialist (physician, pharmacist or dietician).

Microbiota analysis kit
Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare SA
Via G. Petrini 2
CH-6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 9603700

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