Dr. FAMH Mauro Gola

Responsible for mediacal genetic analyses


Born in 1963 in Bellinzona (Switzerland), he is actually the Director of medical genetic analyses in LDM. After the college in Bellinzona he studies biology at the University of Zurich with a bachelor work titled: Functional intraction between the binding DNA domain and the weak transactivator domain tau-2 on the glucocorticoid receptor, tutored by Prof. Dr. W. Schaffner e Prof. Dr. S. Rusconi at the molecolar biology Institute. He undergoes then a PhD study in Pavia at the Faculty of Medecine with Prof. G. Frigo on "the genotypic frequency of cytochrome P450 3A4*1B, *3, *7, *10 polymorphisms and their influence on the metabolism of buprenorphin".


In the year 2000 he joints the team of LDM as a specialist in FAMH in clinical chemistry (diplome in 1997) and from then on he is director of medical genetic analyses. In 2004 he founds the first swiss stem cell bank for human cord blood samples in Lugano, Switzerland and becomes quality Manager of it till 2011 acquiring a wide experience in stem cell therapy in man and with LDM he performs the first reinfusion of bone marrow-derived stem cells in a patient affected of miocardial infarctus.


Today he is responsible of quality in the Swiss Stem Cell Foundation for its clean room in Zurich and director of medical genetic analyses in LDM. From 2002 he also has a teaching activity in a medical technician school.


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Laboratorio di Diagnostica Molecolare SA
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CH-6900 Lugano
+41 (0)91 9603700

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